Services Offered

  • BOD POD is a gold standard testing system that utilizes air displacement plethysmography and whole-body densitometry to determine body composition. BOD POD measures lung volume, weight, body volume, body fat and fat-free mass.

    Relevant for: Soccer, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Football

  • The Wingate anaerobic test is a mechanical exercise bike used to measure the production of the body's immediate and short-term energy systems. The Wingate involves 30 seconds of maximal cycling to determine an individual's maximal power during a full-force, short-term physical effort. Analyzing peak power, average power, total work, and an individual's fatigue rate can help determine maximum performance.

    Relevant for: Volleyball, Hockey, Football

  • The Bruce Treadmill Protocol is used to determine MVO2, which is the greatest rate at which a body can utilize oxygen and provide an indication of the muscle's ability to produce energy. A Bruce protocol test identifies an individual's potential to exercise at moderate intensity for specific periods of time, providing an estimated maximum oxygen consumption when exercising.

    Relevant for: Cross Country, Track and Field, Hockey, Football, Volleyball

  • Biodex isokinetic testing is a muscle isolation testing system that analyzes muscular strength and identifies potential harmful weaknesses. The biodex machine measures the weakest and strongest muscles contributing to overall movement by isolating muscle groups and testing their limits.

    Relevant for: Soccer, Basketball, Football

If you would like to inquire about services offered by the Centre of Human Performance and Health, please complete the following form.